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About Us

Welcome to Cliove Organics' educational initiative, where we are passionate about empowering beauty schools and professionals with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration they need to thrive in the ever-evolving beauty industry.


At Cliove Organics, we understand the unique challenges faced by beauty schools in the USA, particularly those relying on Financial Aid and government support. The heart of our mission is to address these challenges, fostering a community of success for both schools and students alike.


Redefining the Way Continuous Motivation for Schools and Students Success

We believe that motivation is the key to student retention, and that's why we offer inspirational seminars designed to keep students engaged, motivated, and committed to their journey in the beauty industry. These seminars are not just events; they are the driving force behind student success.


We are committed to the ongoing success of beauty students. Our wealth of educational resources, motivation, and benefits are freely available to all aspiring beauty professionals. Access to quality education should be within everyone's reach.


Platinum Membership Benefits

Together, We Make a Difference

By becoming a part of our Big Cliove Pro/Platinum family and membership, students gain access to a treasure trove of resources and support, including:

We invite you to choose Cliove for motivation, education, career opportunities, and success in the beauty industry. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of aspiring beauty professionals and the institutions that support them.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like to explore how Cliove Organics can support your educational journey in the beauty industry, please feel free to contact us today. We look forward to being a part of your path to success.

* Free Educational Resources

* Motivation and Inspiration

* Special Offers

* Networking Opportunities

* Career Opportunities with Cliove

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